Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Cream And Bad Puns

Rolling Stone: Cream Rise In London

Clapton's brief remarks to the crowd suggested lingering nerves and fears of overexpectation. "Thanks for waiting all these years," he said, after a rare live outing of "Outside Woman Blues," from Disraeli Gears. "I think we're going to do every song we know," quickly noting, "We'll play them as well as we can."

Bah! What about "Tales of Brave Ulysses?" And more importantly, what about "SWLABR?" SWLABR, goddammit! She Walks Like A Muthafuckin' Bearded Rainbow! How could they leave it out of the set?

SWLABR is important to me because it was one of those songs we attempted to play in our high school band. We butchered the hell out of it. More specifically, I butchered the hell out of it. There was one word - the word "face" - that I could just never sing correctly. I couldn't find the note, so I'd just reach as high as I could, overshoot it by about five notes, and then come back down, only to break into hysterical laughter. I think if I tried to sing it again today, I'd do the exact same thing.

Man, no SWLABR...I'm glad I didn't buy my airline ticket.


At 5/04/2005 5:25 PM, Blogger Michael said...

I couldn't find the note, so I'd just reach as high as I could, overshoot it by about five notes, and then come back down, only to break into hysterical laughter. I think if I tried to sing it again today, I'd do the exact same thing.

I could not have described it any better. I think you and I should record a scratch mp3 in GarageBand of you doing this. Society needs to hear it.


At 5/04/2005 5:39 PM, Blogger Jason said...

I think I have a tape of it, circa 1993, in my car, actually. I could try and find it, but why would I do that to people?


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