Monday, November 21, 2005

Music Trifecta

Since this blog owner tends to be more musically oriented, I try to find items to put up items that reflect music but usually come up short.

Well, once in a while I find something like Micheal Jackson, Baile de Yoda, Madonna on a horse, Steve Winwood at Bowery Ballroom, Van Halen doing a Rockstar: Van Halen, Kanye West speaking out off prompter about hurricane victims after speaking out against gay bias in rap, to the K&K Mimes... well damn... I guess I do get a good cross section of music. I just don't write as passionately about it as Jason does.

Anyways, I have couple additions to my musical posts, a pair of Chinese students do an entertaining Back Street Boys lip sync. As I watched it I realized the the guy on the left is wearing a cast. Was he hurt as in a karaoke assault? All I could think about was the young man killed in the Philippines a while back for not singing "My Way" by Frank Sinatra the way another patron wanted him to. Well, it apparently is quite common.

The song seems to drive many drunken men to commit anything from slight physical injuries to homicide, reports said.
Is that irony? or serendipity? I mean the song is "My Way" originated by the Chairman of the Board himself, Frank Sinatra. He's the epitome of doing things your own way.

Next is an interesting side line, those of us that play video games know this format quite well. It's been used in the Grand Theft Auto trilogy and Burnout 3: Takedown to help create the atmosphere of driving in your car and listening to the radio. Even Axl Rose got in the act during the last GTA: San Andreas, which you can listen to at the GTA: San Andreas soundtrack player neatly looking like an Alpine pull out stereo on KDST channel 4 on the preset.

Well, here is someone who actually did some interesting parodies. Think Spinal Tap but motorheads, no wait, gear heads maybe better since I'm not talking about the band. Tappets, with Rufus Leaking spinning the songs on your radio, start with track 1 and enjoy a good rendition of Losing My Religion with a decent Stipe sound alike, right down to Squeezebox and Rufus signing off.

Track 1: Losing My Transmission - 4:09 - 4.76MB
Track 2: TR-Man - 3:19 - 3.80MB
Track 3: Smoke From The Dashboard - 5:09 - 5.90MB
Track 4: Rust In The Tin - 3:55 - 4.48MB
Track 5: Gearbox - 2:42 - 3.10MB

Of course sometimes you just want to make them stop singing and pound someone's head with the back of a book.


At 11/21/2005 9:00 AM, Blogger Jason said...

Nice post! (Despite the fact that you missed me posting the Backstreet Boys video last week. :) And great links too.

As for these, these are even took geeky for me. Gotta wait and see if they're too geeky for Mike. Nicely produced, though!

That book across the head looks a bit planned, but still looks like it musta left a mark. :)

At 11/21/2005 2:22 PM, Blogger ... said...

you think i actually read all your music stuff???

i get that catatonic glazed look in my eyes, you know the one Jess gets when we start talking techie...


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